User:R d the savior

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Welcome to my userpage.
This might be my last chance at succedding. Although I haven't been at Wikipedia for a long time I have already noticed how different it is then most people imagine. Most people don't use Wikipedia because they think anybody can edit it. That is true but that's why there is a whole bunch of admins and bots and other stuff to revert vandalism. Don't get mad about what I think on a certain subject and there won't be any pain. :) As you can probably already tell I like to have fun and some of my edits might show it too. So try not to take everything I type to seriously. My userpage is mostly like the main page so that I don't have to check out the main page which might be vandalised.

Location of Lake Hallie, Wisconsin

Did You Know...

Lie Kiat Teng
Lie Kiat Teng

In The News...

Donald Trump in 2017
Donald Trump

Tip of the day

Page history

If you want to compare the differences between two revisions of a page, click the history tab at the top of the page, then select two checkboxes to mark the revisions which you want to compare. Alternatively, click the (cur) link to see the differences between a revision and the current (most up-to-date) revision, or the (prev) link to see the differences between a revision and the previous one. You will see two columns of text next to each other, with any changes in red. You can also view the drafts on their own from that page, or change which versions you are comparing. Just be aware that changing templates and images are not recorded.

Quote of the Moment

Never forget.

Cloisters of Moissac Abbey
Moissac Abbey was a Benedictine monastery in Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne, in south-western France. A number of its medieval buildings survive, including the abbey church, which has a notable Romanesque sculpture around the entrance. This picture shows the abbey's cloisters.Photograph credit: Benh Lieu Song